Daniel Brühl


(Julius Onah, 2018, USA)

the cloverfield paradox posterOne of my favourite cinematic sub-genres is “freaky shit happens to a diverse group of astronauts in space”. ALIEN obviously set the mould and perfected it, but there’s been a 30 year-plus history of effective additions to the form. EVENT HORIZON! SUNSHINE! INTERSTELLAR! I’ll even stan for lesser examples, like PANDORUM and LOST IN SPACE. There’s just something about the combination of sci-fi ideas and horror imagery that appeals to me on a base level – I can’t fully explain it. But suffice it to say that I’ll see anything and everything that falls within this narrow classification, no matter how poor the reviews or cheap-looking the production. So when Netflix announced, via Super Bowl commercial, that they had acquired the latest CLOVERFIELD sequel/spinoff from Paramount, about a group of diverse astronauts in a space station who start to experience some seriously freaky shit, and would be making it available for streaming immediately after the game, I was sold.
