Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Top Ten Tuesday: Comedy Sequels

In our era of reboots, remakes, and reimaginings, the franchise sequel still reigns supreme. For all the hype surrounding the redos of Godzilla or RoboCop, it pales it comparison to the excitement generated by the latest installment in an established sci-fi, fantasy, or comic-book series. But sequels are not limited to just B-movie genres; indeed, this weekend, follow-ups to two of the most popular comedies of the decade are scheduled for release: the animated adventure How to Train You Dragon 2 and the cop actioner 22 Jump Street. Though it may seem strange for two high-profile sequels of this nature to come out the same day, the audience overlap between them is likely to be minimal; the former will attract children and families, while the latter will draw in young adults and some sneaking-in teens. Comedy sequels, for both animated and non-animated movies alike, are something of a mixed bag commercially – for every The Hangover Part II there’s a Happy Feet Two – and critically they almost never seem to live up to the hilarity of the first one. Nonetheless, for this Top Ten Tuesday, I decide to try and assemble a list of my favourite comedic follow-ups, as daunting a task as that turned out to be (there’s really not a lot of good ones). On that ominous note, I present my ten favourite comedy sequels:
